Life in Perspective is a collaborative comparison project/Blog created to give perspective on how people in different stages of life view, understand and respond to challenging questions.
Life in perspective is about sharing experiences, thoughts, feelings and stories to prove that you're not alone in whatever you're going through. everyone has either been or will be in the same size shoes as you and if everyone can share their ways to break them in. Life would feel a little more comfortable.
If you would like to take part in answering the questions yourself. send your reply with a fake name and one descriptive word that best describes yourself, along with age and gender.
you will then be featured in the next blog.
S2Q5. What’s something you know a lot about?
I know how to do all this because I wasn’t the best at my mafs or Engerlish when I was in school so I started doing carpentry at 16
S2Q4. Tell me something embarrassing that's happened to you
Those diaries contain 100 x more collective embarrassment than any one memory or event.
S2 Q1 Tell me the Best and the Worst thing that happened to you last year. Has it changed your approach going into this year?
All things pass and with that comes change, whether it’s positive or negative it’s about how you deal with that change that makes you a better and a stronger person. I think it’s vital to look back and examine how you felt and how you now feel, how you thought and how you now think. To turn the change into a positive driving force for the future.
Q14.What things do you always think about on a daily basis?
People’s lives can be filled with innocuous tasks and thoughts that you don’t necessarily want to be thinking about. it’s good to break down the things that mean a lot to you and to pinpoint the more important questions and thoughts you want to be asking and thinking. It’s clear in this month’s question that people have definite trends, like worrying about people that are close to them and food. The two main thoughts really.
Q11.At what point in your life were you the happiest you have ever been?
At what point in your life were you the happiest you have ever been?
A jovial question that gives nostalgia to the participants.
Q10. What Scares You?
Everyone has a fear of something. We all have the same natural instinctual fears like drowning or lions mauling you and heights, but we also have subjective fears due to either how we were brought up, experiences or things in our life that cause that fear, like family or goals. These answers touch on all these fears in a unique yet understandable way.
Q9. What’s the worst pain you have ever felt?
This month’s question can be interpreted in two different ways, the worst physical pain or the worst emotional pain. The span of answers this month ranges from heartfelt and completely honest, to hilarious accidents, to just pure gross.