Every question answered by Lola
Q1. Have you enjoyed your life so far?
Hi I'm Lola
I loved my childhood I remember always going out with my friends and going into the school field and going into the woods at the bottom of the field. As I've got older I have good memories of growing up going on holidays and whenever I look back I get nostalgic about what it was like. I didn't like my 11 - 13 cause there seemed to be a lot of things happening and I remember not knowing what to do most of the time. I've liked the last couple of years as I feel like I have a grasp on what I going on. I don't really feel old enough to have said I have had a life yet, but I have enjoyed what I have lived so far and want to get older so I can drink properly instead of drinking out of a Ribena bottle.
Q2. Do you like yourself?
I don't think I can say yes or no because there are parts of myself I do like and parts I don't. There are things I have done in the past that I have done which I could have dealt with better but there are things I'm glad I dealt with in the way I did. I feel I will never get to one answer as there are too many things that happen and you're not going to react in the way you want to.
So yes and no, I don't dislike myself but there will always be aspects of me I would change because if you could everyone would be perfect.
Q3. Tell me a story.
A few years ago I was out with my friend and we saw these really cool people sat under a tree. So we panicked and tried to act like we were cool too, but I walked one way and she walked the other. Still trying to act cool, I quickly ran over so we could walk the same way but I ran into her and she got her foot stuck in a hole. Still trying to act cool in front of these absolute strangers we tried to get her foot out of the hole so they didn’t see us looking like dicks, but I then fell over and that’s when they looked over and saw us so we both just started laughing cause at that point we couldn’t have looked any stupider if we tried. Then a little girl ran over and started laughing at us and the cool people just gave us a dirty look even though it was funny at the time. It made me realise that the things that we can panic over really aren’t as big as they seem and even though it was a tad embarrassing it turned out to be a better memory than if we just acted cool like we wanted to.
Q4. What's something you've always wanted to do?
I don't think I can answer properly because I haven't had opportunities to miss out on yet. I have an answer but it's not as deep and meaningful as other answers. I have always wanted to slide down the stairs on a mattress, I haven't done it cause my stairs ain't big enough but I would really like to do it and hope I can when I'm bigger.
(I probably won't want to do it then though)
Q5. What gives/gave you meaning in life?
i can’t say I have ever felt the need to find a meaning in life because I don’t think I actually have one. but ill stick to what I know best. So, my meaning in life is caterpillar cake and chocolate buttons.
Q6. What piece of music makes you feel the most?
Honestly, this is one of the hardest questions so far and to just pick one is probably impossible.
My first one would be Adele because it reminds me of when I was younger and my mum always played it while washing the dishes. I also have to pick Waterloo Sunset by the Kinks because it makes me feel really calm and relaxed and is probably one of my favourite songs. lastly, just because I have to include it and if I do any more i wouldn't be able to stop. Green green grass of home, Tom Jones. I also just thought of In my life, The Beatles and I have to put that in cause both of them songs make me feel sad and happy and nostalgic and that’s, why I like them so much.
Q7. If the ghost of Christmas past, present or future could visit you this Xmas, which would it be?
I would say Christmas past just cause of the excitement of being little and waiting for Father Christmas to bring you pressies and on Christmas Eve when you would put carrots and mince pies out and then going to see everyone which used to be annoying but now looking back it made Christmas. So it has to be Christmas past just because of the memories I could relive and how excited I would get when it was nearly here
Q8. Did this past year go as expected for you? What do you anticipate this year?
No, I have been ill all the bloody time which has been annoying and a lot of things that have happened haven’t been planned at all. I have done GCSEs which was the biggest part of this year.
I don’t know what to expect next year other than more GCSEs and starting 6th form so I will see what happens as the year goes on
Q9. What’s the worst pain you have ever felt?
When I was about 4 me and my brother were playing in the living room. I went to jump off the sofa but I was about to land on the fireplace so he caught my arm to stop me but as he did my elbow dislocated. I slept on it and went to go to school but I couldn’t lift my arm up to put in my top and so my mum took me to the hospital and they had to push it back into place. It really hurt, but after it, I got a certificate thing which I was very happy with.
Q10. What Scares You?
I am scared of not doing anything interesting in life, like not having stories to tell that are actually worth listening to or not having a moment in life where something unbelievable happens. But I dunno whether everyone gets that, so it might just be that some people get lucky and some don’t.
Q11.At what point in your life were you the happiest you have ever been?
I don't think a certain moment has stood out for me in this question. I don't think I have ever been sad in my life, but I don't think there was a moment in which I was happier than the rest, which I think is a good thing. I would probably say when I was about 6 because I was young enough to get things but not old enough to worry about situations. Also, I feel a lot of memorable things happened at that age, like getting my dog and going away with my family to Portugal and for some reason, that holiday has always stood out compared to the rest. Probably, because both my brothers were there and most of what I remember was just playing around in the pool.