Q12.How do you express yourself?

Expression is a strange thing we do. for some people it's a necessary and integral part of how they exist. Expelling art, music the way they look, what they eat how they walk and manoeuvre through the world, injecting personality into everything they touch and breathe. But, in an interesting juxtaposition. Some People don’t feel the need or even know what expression is. It's more of a subconscious act of the brain just following things that they like. Not really thinking they are expressing themselves but just living life and doing what they enjoy.

  • Really boring answer, but I don’t draw or paint and don’t have any hobbies, so a hard one to answer for me.

    But I think I express myself with how I decorate my home

  • The main way I express myself is probably by making songs with my brother. I find that it gives me a space of time which I can just focus on one thing and not have to think about anything else. I can just do whatever I want to for that period of time and I find it really fun to do!

  • When I was younger I expressed myself by playing the piano, but now I’m older I still like to listen to it.

  • I think one of the more obvious ways people express themselves is how they dress. I used to have little interest in anything, including how I dressed. I wore all black for the most part. It never felt as emo as it sounds, I just didn't care and so all black was easy. This lasted for a few years until I walked past this guy wearing a Dr Who t-shirt. I told him I liked the T-shirt and he said thanks. I didn't even care much for the T-shirt, he was a large guy and it was a small T-shirt. But I remember walking away liking that I knew at least one of this guy's interests just by looking at him. I guess that was when clothing first felt like I could use it expressively. Following that small Dr Who t-shirt, I decided to do the same, less so the Dr Who but for the shows, movies and music I liked. This consisted of mainly Bojack Horseman, PULP, and The Rolling Stones. I purposefully chose which t-shirt to wear depending on where I was going. Enjoying the handful of times someone would compliment the t-shirt. Now I care far less for the t-shirts.

    I've moved away from some of the shows and music I used to like but they've not really been replaced by anything. I still wear some of them but they hold no meaning, most of the time I forget which one I'm wearing. I feel like I express myself far less than I used to and that there is also less to express. I guess I'm feeling more disconnected from myself and so I'm expressing a disconnection.

  • I think I have always struggled to express myself, there is a limited amount of people that really know me and I’m truly comfortable around. I would say being out for a drink or going to a gig/ rave is the only time I actually express myself.

  • I like to think that I express friendliness and look approachable, somebody that a pensioner or child would come to for help. Unfortunately, what with a furrowed brow that is not what I portray. I have been told many times by people that have got to know me that I seemed unapproachable at first and was surprised at how friendly I was, so I need to work on that

  • I express myself through my garden, looking around at the sky, birds, trees and all that’s going on in the garden. It helps me express myself going me a lift for the day.

  • I express myself by trying to make people laugh

  • I think I find it very hard to express myself, especially in everyday situations and meetings, when I go over what’s just happened and I think why the fuck didn’t I say that, I’ve just made myself look a right twat. I do resort to swearing a lot, where I get frustrated and angry all the fucks and arseholes come out. Also have difficulty expressing how I feel when I’m worried, anxious or sad quite often bottling it up inside or there’s heavy shit going on. I think when I’m happy and things are it’s fine I can laugh and joke, and piss about with the best of them. Not sure exactly what my answer. I think to sum up I can express myself when the going is good by having a laugh and pissing about, but when it’s serious situations or the heavy shit going, I’m pretty fucking useless.

  • I think music is a big one for me, I guess trying to express myself through trying to make music and depending on my mood expressing myself through different styles of music genres I listen to. Also, I guess through the medium of the clothes I wear is a big part of what makes me feel myself. It’s important to me to surround myself with people I can be myself with and express my true self

  • I express myself through listening and being aware of my emotions and feelings. I also like to express myself through music and writing stuff down in notes. It is important to feel emotions and act upon them.

  • I don't express myself through fashion because I wear what I want. I'm not artistic unfortunately, I don't crave attention for what I say or do so to be honest I don't really know or care!

please leave any questions you think would be interesting for these people to answer.

give your perspective on the questions below


Q13.What question had the most impact on you? Would you change any of your answers now it’s been a year?


Q11.At what point in your life were you the happiest you have ever been?