Life in Perspective is a collaborative comparison project/Blog created to give perspective on how people in different stages of life view, understand and respond to challenging questions.

 Life in perspective is about sharing experiences, thoughts, feelings and stories to prove that you're not alone in whatever you're going through. everyone has either been or will be in the same size shoes as you and if everyone can share their ways to break them in. Life would feel a little more comfortable.

Life in perspective official video

If you would like to take part in answering the questions yourself. send your reply with a fake name and one descriptive word that best describes yourself, along with age and gender.

you will then be featured in the next blog.

Q6. What piece of music makes you feel the most?
GoneClements GoneClements

Q6. What piece of music makes you feel the most?

Reading these answers made me realise, that these moments in time, where everything is perfect for that split second or not and everything is terrible. Proves that you are alive and feel. Being able to use music as a way of preserving those memories or emotions for later on in life is beautiful.

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Q5. What gives/gave you meaning in life?
GoneClements GoneClements

Q5. What gives/gave you meaning in life?

“So phone a friend (Or have a drink or two!) with them or your loved ones, and then you won't have the need to look for a meaning in life. Life is what you make it!!! “

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Q4. What's something you've always wanted to do?
GoneClements GoneClements

Q4. What's something you've always wanted to do?

“I've never flown in my own life. I'm afraid of aeroplanes. Probably stems from when I was about and the war began. My sister and I were woken from our sleep and we then spent a night in an air raid shelter.”

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Q3. Tell me a story.
GoneClements GoneClements

Q3. Tell me a story.

this month’s blog is asking you to tell me a story that has been prevalent throughout their lives, something that’s been told many times or thought about often good or bad.

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Q2. Do you like yourself?
GoneClements GoneClements

Q2. Do you like yourself?

This is the second blog of many, questioning whether or not these people like themselves. many things play a part with deciding if you like someone else, let alone liking yourself. Are you a good person? Do you like the way you feel? Think? The decisions you've made throughout your life? How you are perceived by other people?

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