Q9. What’s the worst pain you have ever felt?

This month’s question can be interpreted in two different ways, the worst physical pain or the worst emotional pain. The span of answers this month ranges from heartfelt and completely honest, to hilarious accidents, to just pure gross.

  • The worst pain is an easy one - childbirth. It really does sting!! especially when the head comes out, can’t describe the contractions and the worst part is you have no control over it and the more you tense up to try to prepare yourself the worse the pain is. But, it’s the one pain that’s worth every second.

    And the tea and toast after are the best you will ever have

  • When I was about 4 me and my brother were playing in the living room. I went to jump off the sofa but I was about to land on the fireplace so he caught my arm to stop me but as he did my elbow dislocated. I slept on it and went to go to school but I couldn’t lift my arm up to put in my top and so my mum took me to the hospital and they had to push it back into place. It really hurt, but after it, I got a certificate thing which I was very happy with.

  • My greatest pain came whilst having great fun chasing my small nephew on slippery grassy banks. He had great fun. I slipped, fell and either badly broke or badly sprained my leg. He had great fun and I had great pain for quite a few months after that, and from then on I left chasing games to the young ones

  • When I was 13/14 I had sent a picture of my penis to what I was told was a transexual. They told me I should pull my foreskin back but other than that it looked alright. Taking this advice, I pulled my foreskin back, thought nothing of it and went to bed. When I awoke, I was surprised to find that my foreskin had stayed pulled back and swelling had occurred, preventing me from fixing the issue. The skin was so tight it had started to block the blood vessels around the tip of my penis. Embarrassed by the situation I went 2 days without telling anyone. I remember needing to wear my boxers the other way around so that I did not come into contact with the back of the buttons. Any contact was extremely painful, causing me to walk as if I had shit myself. Eventually telling my mum what had happened, I was taken to the GP. The GP tried to pull the foreskin over the swelling with the use of cream, however, this did nothing but make me yell out in pain. The GP then instructed me that I need to go to E&A to fix the issue as I was at risk of needing to be circumcised.

    Once we arrived at E&A a nurse investigated the issue. Explaining that it was called a paraphimosis. Both the nurse and the Dr had tried to pull the foreskin back however this again was not a successful mission. Upon discussions of circumcision, a Jr Dr suggested that they put this cream on me and cover my penis in sugar. Apparently, this was something that has occasionally worked in American procedures. So, not wanting to be circumcised I opted for the sugar. They creamed me up, got a cookie jar of sugar and poured it over my special area, leaving a small snowing-looking mountain. After some morphine, it was time for the tug of war. They had removed the sugar; a nurse grabbed my hand and 3 other Drs/Nurses all tugged on my foreskin pulling it over the swelling. I squeezed the nurse’s hand as hard as I could and screamed out in pain. The sugar worked! I was left with a stretched sorry looking penis but alas, the circumcision was avoided. On the way back from the hospital I went to pizza hut with me dad and had 2 weeks off school. Result.

  • The worst pain I have been in is when I credit carded myself on a skateboard

    After a few days off work and a Heavily bruised nut sack, I really started to reconsider my choice of sport!

  • Back when I was about nine years old and living over Gibbonsdown there was a church that had just been built, it was all white and had a fence made of plastic panels. It was less than a week before the kids on the estate realised that if you smashed the plastic around the bolts of the panels you could remove them and hey presto you had yourself your very own street surfboard. Laleston Close where I lived was a very steep road and had a sharp right-hand turn about halfway down. At first, we would go to the top of the street and stand on the panels like a surfboard and see how far we could go but you would go too fast and there was no way to steer, so the best way to do it was to sit on the panel and use your feet to turn. We would sit on the panels two at a time and race each other to the bottom, you could not go too fast because of the sharp turn halfway down but too slow and you would lose the race.

    This one time I was winning but going way too fast so I put my foot down and started to turn when the plastic panel caught on a stone, I slid off the panel sideways and landed on one arse cheek. What I felt and heard then can only be described as ripping, I felt no pain so put my hand down my shorts just to check if everything was ok, not so it would seem when I now looked at my blood-soaked hand. Now the pain kicked in and was getting worse. Not knowing what to do I ran home to an empty house. (parents were like that then, you were left to free range and so were the parents) I went to the bathroom and ran a bath and climbed in, not a good idea and more pain but at least I got myself cleaned up. As you may have guessed for the next few weeks going to the toilet was horrific and probably more painful.

    Some people would say there is a religious teaching somewhere in this story but I can't see it.

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  • I have had a few over the years playing football. I split my head open going up for a cross with the goalie, not sure how it happened, must have been the impact of his elbow hitting me on the head, I just remember waking up on the floor, head hurting, dazed and everyone saying don’t move, think the game finished there and then, there was only a couple of minutes left and they called an ambulance, I got stitched sent on my way, but still made the pub after though, looking like a twat, with a big bandage around my head.

    The other football playing injury I got was playing in a cup up in Caerphilly, it was well into the 2nd half and I was running with the ball, when I felt a crunching tackle come in from the side, I remember laying on the floor for a minute thinking fuck me that hurt, as you know if you ever played football, it was always the way to try and get up straight up after and show it didn’t hurt, brush yourself down and think to yourself I’ll get the bastard back later. But on this occasion, I just couldn’t because it hurt so much. To my disappointment I had to limp off, I went home after with my leg throbbing, thinking if it’s like this in the morning I’m going to have to go to the hospital. It didn’t get any better, so I went into the hospital, where they x-rayed me and to my amazement at the time, it showed I had broken my leg.

    But the number one most pain I’ve ever had was gallstones. I experienced 2 bouts of it but wasn’t sure what it was at the time. The pain took my breath away, and there wasn’t a position or anything I could do to get away from it.

    I must say my family were very sympathetic at the time. My Mrs said it was probably a bit of indigestion and the kids laughing at me taking videos of me when I was bent over double, trying to relieve the pain. To be fair the 2nd time it happened, my Mrs persuaded me to go to the doctors, who booked me in for a scan, which confirmed it was gallstones and I had an operation to remove my gallbladder to sort it out, and thank god I don’t have to go through that pain again.

  • The worst pain I have ever felt that I can remember having the most impact on me has to be heartbreak, one from love of another person and love of an animal companion, I’ve had people close to me pass away but that hit me quite differently, everything in you and around you just sinks, your soul feels removed and everything is numb, a horrendous feeling that I’ve never quite felt from anything else before. A very unique stab on your emotions that can take hold of you for a long time. do not look forward to experiencing its waves of sorrow anytime soon!

  • This pain isn't physical but more internal. Throughout my uni life, I felt pretty good for the most part but as it got later into the year I felt the internal pain of letting people down and thinking of myself as a failure. Throughout the period of 3 to 9 months, I had the feeling/pain of letting my family and friends down through the use of weed knowing that what I was doing was wrong and that I wasn't achieving goals that I knew I could.

    knowing that I still continued to smoke.

  • I broke my foot playing football. People liked kicking me for some reason. I had a bone graft and screw drilled into the side of my foot when I woke up I was shouting for morphine. Proper pain.

please leave any questions you think would be interesting for these people to answer.

give your perspective on the questions below


Q10. What Scares You?


Q8. Did this past year go as expected for you? What do you anticipate this year?