Every question answered by Dalek Bread

Q1. Have you enjoyed your life so far?

Late comer

Q2. Do you like yourself?

Late comer

Q3. Tell me a story.

Late comer

Q4. What's something you've always wanted to do?

Late comer

Q5. What gives/gave you meaning in life?

money gets me up in the morning, needing money to survive and pay bills firstly but then the best side of it is that it helps to get the freedom to explore and gain experiences, which I live for. money sounds too basic, it's a tough question because I don't really know what I'm doing just winging everything.

I'll know my purpose one day I suppose. If my goal is just to be happy then my purpose might be to maintain that and feed it onto others.

Q6. What piece of music makes you feel the most?

Led Zeppelins - Ramble On

This song fills me with a range of emotions. Takes me all the way back to being young and careless, fills me with nostalgia and a bit of sadness, wishing I could venture back to those times and live it all again. What I love about the song is depending on my current mood, it can take me back or hype me up to prepare me for war. You know truly how powerful a song is when it can take you on a different ride on every playthrough.

Q7. If the ghost of Christmas past, present or future could visit you this Xmas, which would it be?

Defo ghost of Christmas past so I could see my cat again

Q8. Did this past year go as expected for you? What do you anticipate this year?

truly didn’t know what to expect from this year but I definitely have not used the full potential of the year, I have disappointed myself and lost my main priorities for comforting things instead of flying out of my comfort zone. I am not happy with the progress I have made because I have wasted so many months not chasing my goals. it’s very frustrating but I have nobody to blame but myself.

Things are changing this year wish me luck.

Q9. What’s the worst pain you have ever felt?

The worst pain I have ever felt that I can remember having the most impact on me has to be heartbreak, one from love of another person and love of an animal companion, I’ve had people close to me pass away but that hit me quite differently, everything in you and around you just sinks, your soul feels removed and everything is numb, a horrendous feeling that I’ve never quite felt from anything else before. A very unique stab on your emotions that can take hold of you for a long time. do not look forward to experiencing its waves of sorrow anytime soon!

Q10. What Scares You?

I have always truly feared getting old. It’s not so much age that scares me, it’s more of the fact I have not yet accomplished what I’ve wanted. I fear leaving this world unproductive. I have too many dreams and not achieving any of them will scare me forever. I am also very afraid of dying alone, I need to die knowing I’ve meant something to someone and have lived happily and compassionately. Only then death can have me.

Q11.At what point in your life were you the happiest you have ever been?

I honestly can’t think of a stand-out moment for this one

think it’s yet to happen I dunno

the happiest I’ve been recently was after a concert in London watching a live band with good mates and good vibes and an 80s disco to finish the night off, was truly the most fun I’ve had in a good while I remember leaving that place absolute buzzing with joy, even the 7-hour journey home the next day was enjoyable, being content for two whole days was a welcoming feeling I need more of!