Q1. Have you enjoyed your life so far?
Describe the things that brought you to that decision.
I would say I have found my life challenging I have loved having and bringing up my children and get great enjoyment from them and spending time with them However I have found life very hard work and feel often overwhelmed I have found my mentality hasn’t helped either Always needing to please at my own cost and feeling guilty if I don’t do what is asked of me, In short, I would not say I have not enjoyed my life but would not want to relive it
Hi I'm Lola
I loved my childhood I remember always going out with my friends and going into the school field and going into the woods at the bottom of the field. As I've got older I have good memories of growing up going on holidays and whenever I look back I get nostalgic about what it was like. I didn't like my 11 - 13 cause there seemed to be a lot of things happening and I remember not knowing what to do most of the time. I've liked the last couple of years as I feel like I have a grasp on what I going on. I don't really feel old enough to have said I have had a life yet, but I have enjoyed what I have lived so far and want to get older so I can drink properly instead of drinking out of a Ribena bottle.
My biggest regret was when at fourteen years of age when I left school and had to go to work, was not listening to my father when he wanted me to go to college and learn shorthand and typing. So I went to a department store (after first trying an ice-cream parlour which lasted exactly 2 days). It was a big store with very long counters which you had to keep clean and walk up and down from 9am - 5pm serving customers. I HATED IT!!! The only good thing was that I lost a wonderful amount of weight. I left after 3 years and trained to become a GPO telephonist. I was very happy then and stayed until I married and then another 5 years.
Since then life has had its usual ups and downs, but I've always remembered to listen to advice from others (especially when they are older and wiser than you).
It sometimes saves a lot of heartbreak!!
The thing is I haven’t enjoyed it nor have I hated it. For most of what I can remember my life has just felt bland. Looking back is blurry and difficult, it almost feels like at every stage it was just someone else and I’m watching from a third-person perspective, as if somewhere I become disconnected from myself. Although I enjoy things in life, when they are over they are just things that have happened. The same with the bad, when I’ve had periods in life where I have hated it, once they are over they are over and I have virtually no emotional care or opinion on those times. I know they have happened but have no feelings towards or about the things that have happened. In the same way that I know at one point I was two playing with the bubbles in the bath I know I dropped out of uni twice. I know both of those things have happened but have no connection or feelings towards them. It's hard to enjoy something you just don’t care much about. You gain what you put in and when you’ve got little motivation to put much in I guess you only get out little in return.
My father told me once that the key to enjoying life is to have short, medium and long-term plans with the idea that you’d always have something good to look forward to. That way, even if things weren’t going well at least you’ve got good things coming up to balance it out. And I think that’s why I’m feeling pretty good at the moment. For me, I need to be social to enjoy life. If my social needs aren’t met I become reserved and at best glibly nihilistic. However now, I have a lot of reliable socialisations, both short, medium and long term. So I guess although I haven’t particularly enjoyed my life so far, I am enjoying it now and maybe that’s all that matters.
To be fair my life has been great up to this point. I have a perfect family that I can always go to for a laugh or if I’m ever stuck and need support. I’ve also met an amazing girl which I now have my own family with, which makes the bad days that bit easier to get through (that and a cold pint of Stella)
If you would have asked me this six months ago you would have got a different answer.
Looking back at this time of life I can say that I have enjoyed my life.I had a great childhood and was loved and had all the freedom that i wanted.i have met some good and loyal people throughout my adult years.I have managed to keep my health and stay out of hospital for over fifty years and a job that i like doing.My relationship decisions have a lot to be desired at a cost to me and my kids,they were hard times and something that i really regret but thankfully i still have a connection with both my boys and have realized that it was me that has relationship problems and not the women that i was with.The death of my father knocked me for six but out of that came being closer to my sister and his allotment.I had always liked gardening but thought it was an old man's hobby and now i'm an old man and love it.Also i have realized that being on my own is not such a bad thing.
So on the whole how could i not be happy,i have a job that keeps me in the lavish lifestyle that i deserve a hobby that keeps me busy trying to keep everything alive,great friends and a family that i love.
Often I will find myself asking questions or just randomly pondering ideas in my head, and I will always end on the topic of life. With life in mind, "Am I enjoying life or have I enjoyed life so far?" is a guaranteed question I ask. A short and simple answer to that question would be yes, but I don't like short answers so strap in. My mind and body is like a ship, and life is the sea on which we sail. We can fall prey to the uncertainty of the wind's and water's behaviour. The wind's and waves may be calm one second and harsh the next, very much like my life so far (or how I perceive it). The ship may be battered and bruised by those uncertainties, but we patch up the holes no matter how big or small, and we move on forward with the journey. This journey is an opportunity to learn about myself and grow as a person and that's something I took for granted and now I think life is constant improvement. Life is a journey, and we are meant to enjoy it in both the bad times and the good.
I must be one of the millions who can honestly say - no not all of it!
My early years were unforgettable, such a happy period. Losing loved ones through the years brought dark days compensated by having fabulous children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Domestic unhappiness brought dark days too. But taking the good with the bad, I have enjoyed my life so far as I move to the end.
“I would like to say i have but cant remember most of it”
Childhood was good, roaming woods, walking nans dog weekends after school football, rollerskating at my aunties and uncles. Worked as an electrical engineer till retirement at 60. Met my wife and had 3 good kids and grandkids. Experienced some mugh days - loss of memory has marred my later years. So overall yes I have enjoyed my life.
My childhood was spent growing on a small farm, which was great with loads of fields and woods to play in, but I do remember feeling isolated, as I lived so far away from mates in school and little contact with them, especially over long summer holidays. School was ok, although I think I was late developer not going out that much with friends outside of school, until the latter teen years when the drinking life began and I started going to pubs & clubs and then it all kicked off. I loved playing football which helped me massively meeting different people and opened another world of socialising and had some great times. It took a long time, but I am settled now with a family of my own and it’s the most contented and happiest I’ve ever been.
It hasn’t all been fun though, as life throws you many curve balls and I‘ve had my fair share of up and downs, but I’m lucky, somehow even at my lowest moments, I’ve managed to get through them by trying to remain positive and not looking too far into the future. On the whole, the good times have far outweighed the bad, so I must say life’s been good.
I’ve had a fucking ball !
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