Q5. What gives/gave you meaning in life?
Total cliche, but the only thing that has given my life meaning is my family They are the only thing that I care about and am interested in
Oh and booze and fags!!!
i cant say i have ever felt the need to find a meaning in life because i dont think i actually have one. but ill stick to what i know best. So, my meaning in life is caterpillar cake and chocolate buttons.
I have never needed to have or look for a meaning in life. From my childhood to old age I have found something to enjoy or look forward to. everyone gets their down days. You wouldn't be normal if you didn't. So phone a friend (Or have a drink or two!) with them or your loved ones, and then you won't have the need to look for a meaning in life. Life is what you make it!!!
I don’t know what gives me meaning. Something must or I would just float away down Porthkerry. I guess I don’t want to waste what I’ve got, to indulge in the things that make me happy. And to have the chance to provide something for someone else. I get a lot of pleasure knowing I might have made someone’s day better by including them in something. So I guess pleasure. The fleeting moments of guilt free pleasure is what gives me meaning.
Providing for my three little kids is the main thing that gives me meaning in life
What gave me meaning has to be family, the way that I was brought up to be respectful to others, the advice good and bad when I needed it, and the fact that I was never asked to be anything other than myself have helped in giving me an understanding of why I wake up in the morning, and who I am. I suppose the meaning is to be a good person. All the things I have experienced, the people I have met, the places I have been, jobs I have done, they are part of my story, good or bad nothing can change the fact that they have moulded me into who I am. The books I have read over the years good and bad have helped me understand the complex world that I live in and gave me an alternative perspective of how to live my life, John Steinbeck has given me more meaning than any other writer and definitely helped me.
What gives me meaning in life, in my fifties is to try and be a steady ship, take all that information of what I have learned and when asked for advice or just my thoughts on something, I can hopefully answer in a helpful way. Taking on my father's allotment has also helped me put perspective on the true value of my life, so for now, I will maintain the allotment, while it maintains me in body and mind and just be there for when my family or friends need me
It's more myself now. My meaning in life was my amazing childhood and how I was brought up by my gorgeous parents and carrying on through life remembering their way of living.
The only thing that I can think of that gives me meaning is the kids, it's what kept us together. Apart from that, I loved working, I couldn't have survived without it.
Never really thought about it much and lived my life day to day and taken it as it comes , but saying that I know what is important I what I enjoy , so thinking along these lines I would have to say spending time with the people I love the most , my wife and kids. Nothing really needs to happen it just being there from day to day talking about each of our days be they good or bad and being able to listen or be listened to. Sometimes we can be talking shit , but it’s nice to share your shit. Good to have a shoulder to cry on and good to be there to offer a shoulder to cry on, but to be fair when the shit hits the fan my mrs sorts it out.
Just good being around when amazing things happen and memories are made . I’ve never been motivated by work and have just seen as a means to an end to bring the money in to pay the bills and be able enjoy life to the full , like going on amazing holidays , don’t get me started on my yearly cycle and the count down to each holiday , anyway I think I’m rambling on a bit , but to some up what I’m trying to say is being part of a wonderful crazy family is it , thank you.
money gets me up in the morning, needing money to survive and pay bills firstly but then the best side of it is that it helps to get the freedom to explore and gain experiences, which I live for. money sounds too basic, it's a tough question because I don't really know what I'm doing just winging everything.
I'll know my purpose one day I suppose. If my goal is just to be happy then my purpose might be to maintain that and feed it onto others.
Submissions from the previous blog
What have you always wanted to do?
My favourite subjects in school were human biology and office practice/typing. Mash these together and you get a medical secretary. From the age of 15, I knew that is what I wanted to be. Well, life gets in the way and soon I had moved away, was married, become a mother, and worked for the MOD. At the age of 34, I discovered my employment as a civil servant would come to an end. I found a medical secretary evening course at a local college and signed up. Long story short - I am now 51 and have worked as a medical secretary for the last seven years. I have two great consultants and love my job. Never give up on your dreams!
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